Marketing, advertising and propaganda. These three words can get confusing to describe or distinguish because each one has a similar function and each one gets a point across to consumers. Though they have similar functions, their messages tend to be a bit different from each other.
Advertising is directed at the target audience instead of a wide range of people. The ads tend to be more tendered towards their target group, for instance, the new Dr. Pepper advertisement is geared towards men and even states in their commercial that "It's not for women". This type of advertisement shows how focused ads are on hitting their target audience and how they tend to leave out all others.
Marketing is designed to create awareness of the product or service, to get the companies name out in the world, but it isn't focused on any specific group, it is focused on the bigger picture, on the world as a whole. It is more about getting consumers to know what the company does overall, not just specific items or services.
Propaganda is focused on changing the mindset of the consumer, changing what they believe and their attitudes toward products and services. It is opinion based, often used in politics to change the minds of the voters and sway them towards or away from certain candidates. It can often be negative, like in politics, and it can often use false information to get the consumers to change their minds.
Do you think advertising, marketing or propaganda is most effective? Why?
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