Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In Response to Maggie

Maggie's Question: People think that the money they earn is all worth it at the end of the day, but is it really?? Why do people work at jobs they hate??

Maggie posed this question on her blog this week after writing an article about bosses taking advantage of their employees. I have been in the work force for the last six years and I have dealt with many different types of employers. Working is important, especially in our world, where the economy is a roller coaster ride and we never know when it will dip and jobs will be unavailable. I think that people who have a job need to keep that job until they find another one if they want to support themselves. I know that some jobs may make people unhappy, and if you are so unhappy that you are depressed all the time, then by all means, you should quit. But if you are just unhappy as in you don't like doing the menial tasks you do, you should hold onto your job and search for another at the same time. 

I think that the economy and the uneasiness about the job market is the reason people stay at the jobs they hate. They need to support themselves or their families and they feel like their unhappiness is worth the money they receive in order to do this. 

What do you think people who hate their jobs, but need to keep it, can do to improve their work experience? 

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