Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In Response to Kristen

In Kristen's blog this week, she talked about the sponsored stories on Facebook and posed this question: Have you noticed these new types of advertising on Facebook? Would you be more likely to react to an advertisement and use a product or go to a place that you know your friends have been to?

The sponsored stories on Facebook can be something your friends have visited or it could be linked to the items you've "liked" or "followed" on Facebook. I notice these ads every time I go on Facebook because it is usually a bright ad that grabs your attention. I almost always get an ad for shoes or a clothing store and I see these ads constantly on my Facebook and any other website I go onto. These ads can be things your friends have liked, which can sometimes sway my opinion to like them as well, but I tend to pay less attention to them, and sometimes I ignore them completely if it is a friend I don't tend to agree with on items. 

These ads are helpful for the companies using them because people like to know the opinions of their friends before they purchase something and having an ad that your friend has "liked" helps to sway you to purchase the product.

Do you think that there are other ways for the ads to catch your attention than to have your friends opinions linked to them?

Sports Illustrated

Every year, Sports Illustrated magazine has a swimsuit edition with a different female model posing on the cover. This year, a 19-year old named Kate Upton got the coveted spot on the cover, wearing a barely-there bikini that didn't seem to fully fit her "assets". There has been much coverage about this cover, including a "Top Ten Reasons Why This Issue is the Best" on David Letterman. 

The model who is featured on the cover of the magazine has a chance at skyrocketing in the modeling world and the cover has before boasted the likes of Christie Brinkley, Heidi Klum and Brooklyn Decker. The cover this year has been featured on websites all over the internet and on a giant billboard and is giving Kate Upton a chance to catapult into the modeling world.

Do you think that this is a smart way for Sport's Illustrated to market their magazine? Do you think they should have more than one swimsuit edition per year to boost sales?